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  • Who is the Clean-Up Club for?
    The Clean-Up Club is suitable for all ages and can be scaled up or down to suit the needs of the participant. Educators may find it most suitable for grades k-3 but the content is easily modified. For example, younger grades may wish to omit the citizen scientist notebook altogether and utilize a literature-based approach with the picture book recommendations included with each badge. Older grades may wish to omit the picture books and expand the content with more hands-on activites and data collection. Feel free to take what is useful for your learner and leave the rest. "Deep dives" encouraged but never required!
  • Does the Clean-Up Club cost money?
    No, the Clean-Up Club is, and will always be, free to use. You also won't find many hands-on activities required to complete each badge either. I have intentionally limited this for a few reasons: 1. Activities require materials. Reusing materials is always encouraged but I didn't want to encourage participants to go out and buy something just to complete an activity. In the spirit of reduce, reuse, recycle, I've left the amount of hands-on activities up to the individual. Participants can check out the Clean-Up Club's Pinterest board for extension activities. 2. I wanted the badges to be as accessible as possible. If a participant doesn't have a material on hand they don't have to worry about getting stuck on a badge until they are able to complete the activity. 3. Limited activities keeps the club low cost for the participant.
  • How long does it take to complete?
    There are 12 badges but you don't need to complete them all. Educators in the classroom might find it helpful to eliminate a few to make it easier to fit the academic year. Homeschoolers might want to complete one lesson per week. Others may want to earn one badge per month. The club is set up to be flexible for the needs of the learner. For those who don't like the idea of empty spaces on their chart, one option for collecting badges is to utilize a diy paper/felt vest or sash for collecting badges. Check out the Getting Started board the Clean-Up Club's pinterest for instructions on crafting a quick sash or vest.
  • Do I need to buy the Lucky book to participate?
    None of the books listed in the club are required to earn the badges in the Clean-Up Club. While it is my sincere hope that you will request Lucky at your local library or purchase the book, it is not required.
  • Isn't climate change personal responsibility a myth?
    It's true that individual action alone isn't enough to solve the problem of pollution or the climate crisis. But it's also a half-truth. While it's true that asking individuals to take personal reqponsibility for pollution is insufficient to address the crisis, we are not fully absolved from doing our part either. The Clean-Up Club is founded on the belief that we need to advocate for systemic change while also still encourageing individual behavior changes. The intent of this club is not to overemphasize personal responsibility while letting the bad actors - carbon barons, banks, corporations, and politicians - off the hook. While there are things we can do as individuals, ultimately 100 companies are responsible for 71% of carbon emissions. Click here for 3 things you can do to hold bad actors accountable.
  • Affiliate Disclosure
    You should always assume that pretty much every link on this website is an affiliate link and that if you click it, decide you like something and buy it, I will make a bit of money from your purchase. This adds no additional cost to you as the consumer and helps me keep this club free for everyone to use.




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